So... this past Tuesday, I came home to find my front door bashed in. I went inside my place to find that I am no longer a proud owner of a Playstation3 or an XBox360. After further investigation, I also noticed that I no longer had my Intos3, my 30" monitor... and my LAPTOP!!! SERIOUSLY!? WHO DOES THAT?! Front doors don't protect us anymore?! Sigh... I was thinking that entire time..."Hmm, well it could be worse... they could've shat over everything, and ripped up all my clothes... "
Then I realized... I don't have renters insurance... and I didn't back up ANYTHING that was in my laptop. I was working on a new book, and I had about a hundred or so paintings that I was working on (okay, maybe a dozen, but a hundred sounds more epic)... ALL GONE. FOREVER.
So... if anything, I implore you guys, back up your stuff... and for GOODNESS SAKES, have RENTERS INSURANCE. Okay, a post wouldn't be complete without some drawings, so here they are... (at least what I have on me... )

The first three were drawn from photo ref from the photoset. Great great resource! I had a blast doing them. BTW, these are photos taken from my iPhone, so I apologize for their lack of clarity. And, does anyone else think that the HDR function really blows? I certainly do...
Yoko Figure Drawing Gestures 3-5 minutes
And this last image was a drawing I did really quick for my friend Casey. She needed Halloween decor.
Well, I guess that's all for now! I hope everyone is doing well! And don't forget to back up your stuff!!!