Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Ancient Offering... sorry it took too long

Hello everyone! Thanks for all the great comments! Here's one of the sketches that I did at one our little coffee shop drawing nights. I wanted to do a little sepia tone over it, but its been awhile already. So here it is! Oh, and I really need to update my links here... there's a lot of people that I've met that I want to link. It's been a long time!!!

Oh, and one more thing... Has anyone tried out that new little Cintiq? I'm thinking about getting one. Please lemme know. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

wow really cool stuff i love your ideas/ thinking of how you design.

Dillon Thompson said...

I am choking on my mountain Dew. This is awesome.

Mark Behm said...

Coool. I love his hand.

Sebastien Gallego said...

I love how big that dude looks! Awesome Jon!

TJ Phan said...

Nice drawings! I, too, love that hand.

Simon Scales said...

very nice man!!! - some great stuff on your blog here...ill keep checking back.

Anonymous said...

fantastic drawing!!

Marco Bucci said...

this is a great blog man - let's hope you don't pull another year-long absense again :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats! Your stuff is really good, this blog is now in my favourites..( the previous post is just a mistake , not an ego problem..)

El Dude said...

Nice stuff man! Really like the design of some of the ideas!

PotatoFarmGirl said...

Pretty! Haven't tried mini-cintiq yet, but I bet they are nice!

Francis Vallejo said...

this is a great drawing! worth the wait!

Dave McClellan said...

You should definitely get one of those little cintiques. And then you should let me borrow it. And then you should post something else. I know you've got stuff to post. I can see it on your desk right now.

Mike Mac said...

holy shit! crazy skillz man!

BrandonBeckstead said...

man I wish you would post more stuff!!! Yours was always among my favorite at Avalanche. But of course you can't post that stuff. Keep inspiring though!

Anonymous said...

hehehehe..hi jon....guess who......i'm glad you are posting pictures where are the ones from April?

JeffAddition said...

Hey Jon...been a while buddy, I come back here to check up on your drawings. You've really progressed from last we met! I love this new addition! One-Man-Fiesta!

Anonymous said...

I've been looking into the Cintiq 12WX as well and found these reviews which may be helpful for you too.

Anonymous said...

Btw, really great stuff man! Keep up the good work!

ornitorrincoman said...

very good job!

keep on drawing!

Oliver Chipping said...

Hey! good to see another post... very nice! I've been using that small cintique @ work lately. I love it! It puts out a lot less heat than the bigger ones, and you can hold it a lot easier. But if you want to retain 2 computer monitors, make sure your computer can support another video card!

~DdK~ said...

VERY nice work here, very inspirational.
re. the li'l cintiq, considering it's dimensions and price, I think it's more cost effective and practical to get a tablet pc instead. The screen size is the same but you get a whole computer t'boot, which you can take to the coffee shoppe or wherever. The big one, however, rocks! I got one with no regrets.

Jeff Solway said...

very cool

John McDavitt said...

Cool work. I just got a Cintiq and was a little uncertain if it was a wise purchase at first. I have fallen in love with it but- it is a bit of a luxury as opposed to a necessity. Good luck!

John McDavitt said...

BTW- I would recommend the largest Cintiq screen size...

Aaron Ludwig said...

Just found your blog, Jon. Simply amazing. I love your character stuff. Keep posting!

Anonymous said...

You are awesome!

Dominic Philibert said...

Wow!!!!! incredible job man!

Ray Creations said...

This is really nice. Web Designer | Web Hosting

Funny Stuff said...

Your all images are very fine and your work is so creative and i think you should make more on nature.

PJ said...

awesome blog! Love your stuff!